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Happy New Year - Let's Get Going!

Published on 1/18/2022

Happy New Year Members and Friends!


Dear Members and Friends,

Happy New Year!  I hope this finds you well and looking forward to 2022 – it certainly has a lot of promise to be an interesting year.  Locally, and in Colorado, we are currently focusing on election security, health care, a climate working group and lots of voter education.  And of course there will be mid-term elections, legislative action and reports from our elected officials and lots of voter education – did I mention voter education?

Please keep reading below to see what might interest you in becoming more involved and then let us know; is it our new book group, working on election security, affordable and universal health care, getting out the vote?  Is it Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion that stirs you to action?  Maybe you are a “techie” looking for some web design and social media outreach opportunities?  Or is there something else on your mind that moves you?  Let us hear from you – we need you!

And as we move into the new year, let’s hold our friends Ellen and Ross Park in our hearts – many of us have lost loved ones and know how meaningful it is to know that the community to which we belong is holding us in their hearts. 

In league with you,

Laurie Meininger
President, Board of Directors

Laurie Meininger head shot


The Day the World Stops Shopping book

We are happy to announce that LWV La Plata is starting a new Climate Working Group.   We are going to start off by reading‘The Day the World Stops Shopping: How Ending Consumerism Saves the Environment and Ourselves’, by J. B. Mackinnon.  Here is an excerpt from the book:

’The economy says we must always consumer more: even the slightest drop in spending leads to widespread unemployment, bankruptcy and home foreclosure.

The planet says we consume too much: in America, we burn the earth’s resources at a rate five times faster than they can regenerate. And despite efforts to ‘green’ our consumption - by recycling, increasing energy efficiency, or using solar power - we have yet to see a decline in global carbon emissions.

Addressing this paradox head-on, acclaimed journalist J. B. McKinnon asks, “What would really happen if we simply stopped shopping?”  We think it sounds like a provocative way to get a conversation started  and we're excited to have thoughtful LWV members join in this look at how our actions affect climate and one another.


As a group we will also be following the state league’s Climate Emergency Task Force efforts.  As we are able, we will also explore what organizations are doing locally to address the climate crisis and what we as a group can do to contribute.


If you are interested in joining in the Climate Working Group, please reach out to Gale Zander Barlow at

Don't delay - we're anxious to get started reading!


Great Decisions 2022 Book

Schedule Change Notice:
 AAUW has announced that, due to the increase of COVID cases in SW Colorado, it is postponing the start of the Great Decisions series.   The first session, scheduled for January 25, has been cancelledand will be rescheduled.  Watch for updates in The Herald or on social media. 

For more information please contact Janice Schefftel   or Susan McGinness


The 2022 series will feature these topics of discussion:

  • Changing Demographics
  • Outer Space
  • Russia and the U.S.
  • Myanmar and ASEAN
  • Quad Alliance
  • Drug Policy in Latin America
  • Industrial Policy
  • Biden’s Agenda

A limited number of study guides are still available from Susan McGinness.  Great Decisions is produced by the Foreign Policy Association and is co-sponsored in La Plata County by the LWV and American Association of University Women (AAUW). 



LWVCO Jan 22 statewide meeting

Statewide Member Meeting:  League Position on Election Security 
Saturday, Jan. 22 10:00 a.m.


There is no doubt that election security and voter's rights have taken on a new importance for all voters in the U.S.    Please attend this important meeting to make your voice heard and to help shape the Colorado leagues’ position on election security to present to the national convention in June.

The League only takes action when we have a position on an issue, but current League positions on election security are inadequate for us to advocate effectively. A small group researched this topic, consulted experts and wrote position documents, which have been made available in our Document Library for discussion.


At the LWVUS Convention in June, we want to present a state position for national concurrence that may be used by Leagues everywhere. Please join our statewide consensus meeting to give input in finalizing our election security position.   All of the information on the position is available here:  Document Library 

                                                                    Please join us for this important meeting and make your voice heard!



Affordable Health Care for All photo

A new Health Care Committee is just forming – we’d love to have you join us!  Our draft mission statement is:  Educating and advocating with individuals, community and legislators to ensure improved quality, affordable, accessible and equitable universal healthcare. 

The next meeting is Thursday, January 20 @9:00am via ZOOM.  Please contact Jan Phillips for more information:  janp@sofcorp.comWe'd love to have you join this working group!

Some ideas for 2022 include:

  • Community Education and Listening Tour

    Listening tour would entail listening to community members and organizations about how they view their healthcare today. Problems, issues, concerns, what is working well?  Record or write down the participants contributions and if they’d like to get involved with building a better healthcare system.

  • Forums/Debates/Presentations
  • Joining the LWV National Health Care Reform for U.S.
  You can learn more about national efforts here:  LWV Health Care Tool Kit