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Our Mission and Roles

The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization encouraging informed and active participation in government. It influences public policy through education and advocacy. We never support or oppose any political party or candidate.

The League of Women Voters has two separate and distinct roles.

  • Voter Services/Citizen Education

    We present unbiased nonpartisan information about elections, the voting process, and issues. To conduct our voter service and citizen education activities, we use funds from the League of Women Voters of Colorado Education Fund, which is a 501(c)(3) corporation, a nonprofit educational organization


  • Action and Advocacy

    We remain nonpartisan, but, we use our positions to advocate for or against particular policies in the public interest. The League of Women Voters takes action only after members have studied an issue and agreed on a position.Our Vision, Beliefs and Intentions guide our activities.

Our Leadership Team

Our LWVLPC Leadership Team for 2021-2022 welcomes you

Board of Directors

Laurie Meininger, President

Diane Goodchild, Vice President

Siggy Palmer, Treasurer

Martha Mason, Secretary

Trish Pegram, Director at Large

Alex Lemmel, Director at Large

Jean Aaro, Past President

Committee Leaders

Vacant – Voter Services Team

Diane Goodchild - Membership Team

Alex Lemmel - JEDI Team

Jan Phillips - Health Care Action and Advocacy Team

Gale Zander-Barlow - Climate Action and Advocacy Team

Vacant – Communications & Technology Team, Webmaster

Contact us via Our Contact Page

Since its founding, the League of Women Voters committed to neither support or oppose any political party or candidate for public office.  This tradition continues today to ensure that the League’s voice is heard above the tumult of party politics.  The non-partisan has added strength to the League’s position on issues.  It has made possible wide acceptance of League voter service and other educational activities.

Nonpartisan means that the League never supports or opposes political parties or candidates or appointees.  All League members need to remember that the League’s reputation for fairness is long-standing and hard-won and needs to be guarded. 

Although we DO NOT support candidates, we do research, recommend, and support ballot issues that are supported by League positions.

The League is a political organization and encourages members to participate fully in the party of their choice.  It is an advantage to the League to have politically active members, and equally important, it can be a personally satisfying experience.

“In the League of Women Voters we have an anomaly; we are going to be a semi-political body.  We want political things; we want legislation; we’re going to educate for citizenship.  In that body we have got to be non-partisan and all-partisan.  Democrats from Alabama and Republicans from New Hampshire must work for the same things.”

Carrie Chapman Catt at the League’s founding in Chicago, 1920

What does this mean for Members?

Individual League members are encouraged to be politically active.  However, when they participate in partisan activities, they may not identify themselves as League members.

A League will be a strong and effective political force to the degree that it can deal with and accept controversy and live with uncertainty.

Keep in mind that conflict of interest may arise between a “board” member’s paid employment and her or his role in the League.

League Statements

No member (including officers) may speak for the League unless they have first obtained review and approval by a majority of Administrative Team of the proposed statement.

Key Member Restrictions

Certain individuals who have high public visibility as officers or leaders of the League (Key Members) are restricted from partisan activity. 

The League of Women Voters of La Plata County is a nonprofit, non-partisan political organization that encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government; works to increase understanding of major public policy issues; and influences public policy through education and advocacy. Our members, women and men ages 16 and up, volunteer their time year round to help Make Democracy Work!

We are a member of the national League of Women Voters which was formed when women finally gained the right to vote in 1920. Throughout the League’s nearly 100 year history and working in all states, the League focus has been to expand participation and give a voice to all Americans. It never endorses, supports or opposes any political candidate or political party. We are also a member of the state League of Women Voters of Colorado

Click to read the Guide to LWVUS Services

Recognition of our Efforts


Karen McManus WINS                  

the Gerry Cummins Empowering Voters Award

We are pleased to announce that on May 22, at the virtual League of Women’s Voters Colorado Annual Convention, Karen McManus was awarded the Gerry Cummins Empowering Voters Award.

Karen won the award based on her “demonstrated strong dedication to educate voters in a fair, non-partisan way with an unwavering determination to provide both sides of an issue(s) and/or candidate positions without bias and outreach to under-served voters”. 


Karen accepted the award acknowledging she was part of a strong La Plata County team that included Ross and Ellen Park and Jean Aaro along with many other volunteer members.

We congratulate Karen on this recognition and salute her amazing leadership of our local voter services efforts.  If you are inspired to work with Karen on voter education and voter services, please reach out to her by email at:

The League of Women Voters of La Plata County is committed to encouraging voters to exercise their right to vote from a position of knowledge and confidence.

History of the League of Women Voters


Read a short History of the League of Women Voters.

Access the Archives of the League of Women Voters of La Plata County 
maintained at Fort Lewis College in The Center of Southwest Studies Collection M139.